Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Maine, Episode II Amazing Rain
Maine, Episode II Amazing Rain This was one of those days on which I just did so much that I cant even write about everything that happened in excruciating yet charming detail like I usually do in my blog entries; rather, Ill just discuss the most interesting events and you can fill in the rest with your overactive imagination. I awoke with a jerk. Finding that the weather report was calling for an inch of rain and a thunderstorm in the White Mountains, Joe 08 and I decided that not hiking would be a great idea. Yet, this day, more than any other, ended up showing me that though it rains and shines, its all a state of mind. Read on and find out how I spent the second day of my summer vacation. DID YOU KNOW? Portland, ME was once home to the worlds tallest building. After breakfast, we took a drive down to Old Port, which seemed to be both old and a port (compare to peanut, sweetbread). As we wandered around mostly haphazardly, I got to see the famous Time and Temperature Building, a giant lobster in the Portland Public Market, and an advertisement for Maines greatest comedian , Bob Marley. We also stopped into ONaturals, the nations first organic fast food chain, and accidentally walked by an awful-smelling seafood refinery of some sort. But if youre going to Portland for a day, forget all that touristy stuff. The real highlight of the morning was Treehouse Toys. After we had checked out their selection of puzzles, putties, and art deco wind chimes for a while, Joe demanded that the cashier find the very best toy in the store and bring it to us immediately. She warned us that the best toy, the X-Knot, was completely sold out but nevertheless ran to a secret room in the back and found a display copy for us to play with in the meantime. In my old age, Ive come to realize that its really the little things in life that bring you the most joy. The X-Knot (AKA the greatest toy ever) consists of a sturdy rope with a rubber ball attached to one end. Your mission is to hold the rope with one hand, letting the ball hang freely, and then, with one rapid flick of the wrist, somehow tie the rope above the ball into a knot. It took the cashier three tries to do it, and she protested that the delay was only because she hadnt had her coffee yet. Joe and I stood in the middle of the store for about twenty minutes, taking turns trying to tie the tricky toy. Finally, Joes grandmother called and we had to head out, but not before the cashier could reveal the deepest secrets of the X-Knot to us. So, the idea is that when you yank the ball up, it makes a loop, and then you have to make the ball fall through the loop as it comes back down, and then it makes a knot. Simple. Well, that gave us one less thing to worry about. Back at Joes house, we crafted our own homemade X-Knots out of plush balls, spare rope, and electrical tape. Though neither of us has taken 2.009: Project Engineering Processes, the toys turned out pretty well, and were dubbed Y-Knots in honor of our Y-chromosomes. Also, its a much better name (Do you want to play with anything? Y-Knot! (homonym for Why not?)). Since I cant find the X-Knot on Amazon or Froogle, I assume its not copyrighted or sold commercially outside of Treehouse Toys, so Joe and I might drop out of MIT next semester and start up a Y-knot development companyI know a lot of undergrads often find startups to be very profitable opportunities. After 6 man-hours of effort, we had managed to tie 3 knots between us. Then we realized that, like most toys targeted at the 6 to 8-year-old age group, the toy could be used for violence as well, so Joe and Manya started attacking each other. The Y-Knots ball is softer than the X-Knots (plush, not rubber), so when your children decide to start smacking each other upside the head with their toys, there should be less damage to your property and to your children. The Y-Knots rope can be used for other things. Kids can be so cruel. Luckily, he didnt realize that the Y-Knot could also be used as a ball gag. Meanwhile, Manya reads my blog, thoughtfully. DID YOU KNOW? American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a native son of Portland, ME. So we also went down to a random cabin in the woods that Joe claimed his family owns and took some kayaks out on a nearby lake. Joe, his friend Lexi, and I kayaked all the way out to this island in the middle of the lake, which supposedly looked like a turkey once, but was never called Turkey Island, and now it has a politically incorrect name that Im not allowed to say. Well, I was pretty tired coming back from the island, so we decided to all sing childrens songs to keep our morale up. Heres a chance for you to play Am I really that much smarter than typical MIT undergrads? This is a list of five popular American childrens songs to which either Joe or I do not know all the words: 1. The Ants Go Marching (Joe and Lexi tried to incorporate a verse about unleavened bread to rhyme with seven) 2. The Song That Never Ends (no, really, and theres only like 16 words) 3. Ive Been Workin On The Railroad 4. This Old Man (I really dont remember the verse about delving, I dont know why he didnt just play knick-knack on his shelves if hes so damn concerned about rhyming) 5. Pop Goes The Weasel How well do you score? Lexi, of course, knew all the words to every song. Actually, I lied, we turned around just before getting to the island. But thats okay, it doesnt even look like a turkey anymore. Sudden realization: Dead turkeys are the controlling motif of my life. Lexi, Joe and I sat out on the dock enjoying 12 minutes of sunshine and eating fluffernutter sandwiches (which I had actually never tried in my otherwise quite normal childhood), and during this time we decided that the weather had become so splendid that we should just jump into the lake while we still had the chance. Sometime while Joe was in midair, the clouds came out in full force and dT/dt was like -10 deg/min, so we quickly hopped out and forbid ever speaking of swimming again. And I took the worst picture of Joe ever. DID YOU KNOW? Portland, ME has the most heavily-trafficked deep-water harbor on the East Coast. We saw Fantastic 4. Wow. Not since Peter Parkers the value of the quantum relativity eigenvector is 7.6 megavolts has science been so thoroughly abused in a feature film. You may have seen in McGanns factors that Sue Storm (AKA Invisible Girl) is an MIT alum, no doubt getting some sort of degree in Course 7 with her award-winning genetics research on DNA and whatnot. Well, if I understood correctly, it turns out that Dr. Reed Richards (AKA Mr. Fantastic) made the rest of MIT look like a high school science fair during his days here and that Viktor Von Doom (AKA Dr. Doom), though not really a doctor, apparently managed to get a degree from the Sloan School of Management or something, since he ended up the head of his very own major corporation. The producers bought an MIT pennant from The Coop to put in Reeds college scrapbook and even went to the trouble of photoshopping a picture of Reed and Sue in front of this picture of the great dome. There was also an MIT postcard, which Joe mentioned coincidentally matched the ones that were given out for free to all enrolled 08s. Okay, so Im not really one hundred percent sure of all that, but if you can correct me, then you were watching that movie way too closely. Anyway, in the comic book, Sue Storm is supposed to be a model/actressnot that you cant do that and go to MIT. The plot is average for a superhero movie, the action sequences are good, and the special effects leave a little to be desired. Still, since youre the type of person whos reading a blog thats ostensibly about the thermal depolymerization of turkey waste, youll probably appreciate this movie simply for the sheer magnitude of bad science contained within. Well, as you probably know by now, the quartet plus Doom are out in space doing cosmic ray research or something when, oops, the ionic cloud they were looking at accelerates unexpectedly and smashes into their ship, which fundamentally alters the structure of their DNA and gives them superpowers. Mr. Fantastic has his body turned into rubber, Invisible Girls new DNA lets her bend light around her so she can both disappear and create force fields when shes frustrated, The Human Torch can now secrete a flammable plasma coat from his skin and heat from his core' to supernova temperatures and also fly by heating the air around him to utilize thermal currents', while The Thing gains super-strength and super-density at the cost of having his skin and all his internal organs turn into orange rocks (yet still function normally). Oh, and Dr. Doom? Well, his entire body hardens into an metal-organic alloy stronger than titanium, harder than diamond, and superconductive of electricity, which al so gives him super-strength and lets him throw bolts of electricity that tear holes through people. I was planning to link all of those powers to the appropriate MIT class websites in case you had some interest in the biophysics of superheroics, but then I realized that all the science in the movie is completely made up. So heres a picture of Johnny Storm in spandex to distract you from my lack of scientific prowess. That was basically the scripts approach to science throughout the film. And by spandex, I mean indestructible super-polymer that was also struck by cosmic rays and thereby imbued with exactly the same mysterious powers as those possessed by the Fantastic 4 as a result of their fundamental DNA alterations. No, really. Think about that. Whooo! Look down here! Its Jessica Alba! Then after a while, Doom catches Reed somehow and pumps liquid CO2 into his blood or something. Wouldnt that instantly kill him, Sam? Of course not, Chester, because Mr. Fantastic is made completely of rubber, not of human. Doom taunts, Pop quiz, Reed: Chemistry 101. What happens when you supercool rubber? then torturously pulls his finger backwards, which would kinda be painful whether or not youre made of rubber. Later, after casually enveloping Doom in a supernova, Reed makes a parallel query: Pop quiz, Viktor: Chemistry 101. What happens when you rapidly cool hot metal? Okay, then. a) if youre an MIT student, you dont call it Chemistry 101, you call our freshman solid-state chemistry class 3.091, because we talk only in numbers, or Professor Sadoways class (less frequently) b) neither of these questions are answered by the characters in the movie, it just turns out that rapidly cooling Dr. Dooms organometallic body instantly freezes him and renders him completely harmless. Joe and I left the theater wondering, What does happen when you rapidly cool hot metal? So apparently its enough just to invoke the concept science itself when you have a problem to solve its not really necessary to apply scientific principles correctly. Remember that at MIT, now.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Dance Kinesiology Research Paper Topics
<h1>Dance Kinesiology Research Paper Topics</h1><p>There are different zones of intrigue with regards to move kinesiology inquire about paper themes. These might be managing the improvement of move as a training, or moving as an exhibition. Both may have one of a kind issues that move is intended to understand, and henceforth, can be a piece of these subjects. It is likewise imperative to clarify that things can be remembered for the examination as the topic.</p><p></p><p>First of all, what do you think about an issue? What are the conditions that you need to contemplate? If so, at that point what will you research so as to comprehend the issue? There is no reason for concentrating only one issue on the off chance that it will simply be a separated one. Or maybe, you ought to have the option to comprehend the conditions that influence different issues as well.</p><p></p><p>Another thing you ought to consider with regar ds to move kinesiology inquire about paper themes is the technique you will use to help comprehend the issue. What kinds of strategies will you investigate? There are a few distinct techniques that have been utilized for the past. Nowadays, with more innovation, more research papers have had the option to be composed that manage better approaches to learn. Thus, this takes into account more experimentation and improvement.</p><p></p><p>It is additionally essential to explain what research paper themes are in any case. The issue of the paper that is readied needs to address the subject of whether there is an issue that should be unraveled. While there might be a portion of similar issues that are raised on numerous occasions, it is not necessarily the case that there is an issue with one technique over another.</p><p></p><p>Dance is a mainstream type of execution. While it has establishes in culture, it is additionally a fine art. This implies the styles of move likewise should be concentrated with the goal that the investigation can be enlightening. At the point when these styles are thought of, they should be tried for their security, their capacity to improve execution, and how they influence the individuals who are utilizing them.</p><p></p><p>Dance has numerous components that should be thought of, including the blends of music, instruments, just as developments that were utilized. These are on the whole central point in move. At the point when these components are blended in with one another, there should be a comprehension of what influences these components. This will give the artist a superior information on how they will associate with the music and will furnish them with a thought of what their abilities are.</p><p></p><p>Dance has a wide range of developments that are important to perform at an expert level. This implies there should be a comprehension of the contrasts among fundamental and propelled moves. The artist must have the option to play out these essential just as cutting edge moves appropriately, and the comprehension of these must be joined with the information on the present issues that have been noted. These will assist the artist with making it through the exhibition and still discover space for improvement.</p><p></p><p>In request to be fruitful, move kinesiology investigate paper themes ought to be composed with the significance of conveying that the essayist has a thought on what is to be found out about move. It ought to likewise be written so that it very well may be effortlessly comprehended by the peruser. The data should be clear and simple to follow.</p>
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Sample of Proposal Essay Titles
<h1>Sample of Proposal Essay Titles</h1><p>Sample of proposition exposition titles are your vital aspect for composing an amazing and full-highlighted paper. By just after the means you will have the option to create an incredible, proficient work of composing. There are a few things you can do to assist you with accomplishing this goal.</p><p></p><p>The first thing you ought to do is start by discovering some example title. This is significant as it will decide the general type of the title. Pick one from the accompanying two. The first would be something elucidating and the second would be something like 'The Importance of Following Successful Planning Techniques'</p><p></p><p>Your title ought to consistently be composed as though you were discussing yourself. What you are going to discuss in the paper is what is significant. At the point when you make an all around organized title it will make it simpler for you to portray what you are going to state in your composition. This will likewise give you more space to communicate in a reasonable and succinct manner.</p><p></p><p>When composing a title for a proposition or any sort of exposition, you have to take a gander at your sentence structure. This implies you have to make sentences that stream. You would prefer not to lose your perusers intrigue. You have to make sections of thoughts that move from point to point. On the off chance that you get them dispersed accurately, at that point you can say all that you need to state without the peruser from getting bored.</p><p></p><p>Another thing you can never really make great, proficient looking titles is to peruse more than one title. In the event that you have a feeling that you have a most loved one, by all methods continue utilizing it. Perusing numerous titles will just assistance you to find which ones will work best for you.</p><p>&l t;/p><p>You can likewise utilize guides to help make great examples of proposition exposition titles. A most loved model that you should utilize is from the Ayn Rand great, 'Chart book Shrugged'. This one appears to have a great deal of intensity as a result of its incredible narrating and convincing essays.</p><p></p><p>Another model that you may get a kick out of the chance to utilize is from the Philip Roth exemplary, 'Portnoy's Complaint'. Another extremely ground-breaking model that can truly help you is from the self improvement guide, 'Rich Dad Poor Dad'. These models show exactly how ground-breaking a model can be.</p><p></p><p>These are only a couple of the tips to help make great examples of proposition paper titles. There are others accessible too, however these are presumably the most well known ones. Good karma in your journey to compose an extraordinary presentation or conclusion.</p>
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Top Choices of Essay Topics Creative Writing
<h1>Top Choices of Essay Topics Creative Writing </h1> <p>When picking a subject for a vital article ensure you take a point you can oversee. It's likewise prudent to peruse your article after you are done. The SSAT exposition is the underlying segment of the SSAT test. Try not to freeze in the event that you can't get your enlightening exposition right. </p> <p>School ought to happen in the nights. Similar expositions are a breeze to compose. Composing prompts can in like manner be used to assist understudies with getting readied for the government sanctioned tests. Understudies should be allowed to ask in school. </p> <p>If you truly need to make an incredible imaginative exposition that is going to intrigue others, at that point you must be certain you're following the best possible measures. Whenever you have an inquiry, our client assistance faculty are quite often prepared to offer an auspicious response. In such a manner, you will have a premise to start from. In case you're fundamentally looking to simply get moving on the composing I would by and by inform you to make the most with respect to some magnificent exploratory writing prompts. </p> <p>Now you have an incredible feeling of the different types of imaginative papers, how about we take a gander at certain procedures which will assist you with composing innovatively. Portraying an individual that has impacted your life. </p> <p>Have a glance at the world from the perspective on various people, and you will be shocked. For understudies, in case you're new to a contentious exposition, remember they are composed to persuade perusers about a specific concentration or perspective. In the event that you come up short on the time or aptitudes required to complete your task the way where you need, at that point you need to address us and pay to create an article. Truth be told, heaps of understudies won't do extremely great at all since they misjudged the possibility of the composing brief they were alloted to. </p> <p>One the 1 hand, you're making a decent attempt to find new contemplations and new strategies for composing, and all that you appear to be able to concoct is worn out repeats of work you've composed many occasions previously. Settle on an unmistakable subject that others may not consider, and whatever you select, ensure that you know a great deal about it! In a short space of time of utilizing experimental writing prompts composed by others, you rapidly start to consequently create your own. Using a thesaurus to utilize one of a kind words is an incredible idea to create the bore of your composing better. </p> <h2>What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Essay Topics Creative Writing </h2> <p>On the other side, in the event that you settled on a generally excellent decision, center around what affected you to settle on that choice and the manner in which it has transformed you. You subsequently can't confront the capability of getting punished by your te acher because generally entries. In the event that you pick your own theme, the alternatives might be overpowering. Before you begin taking a shot at the substance of your task, you ought to pick the perfect point. </p> <p>The possibly rule to follow while choosing a theme for your school exposition is to choose the subject you're anxious to expound on. Underneath you can get some new knowledge regarding the matter. Each author ought to commit some portion of every day composing. A comprehensive collection of memoirs covers as long as you can remember, and there isn't any need to suggest specific subjects. </p> <h2> The Hidden Truth About Essay Topics Creative Writing </h2> <p>Academically appropriate contrast balance article themes should with be invigorating together with eye catching. You will figure out how here, above all, here are the various types of experimental writing papers it is conceivable to compose. The example articles can help you in sorting out your endeavors. Like each task, an illustrative article has a specific intent.</p> <p>Mention similitudes and the manner in which the two thoughts contrast. You woke up to wind up in an equal existence where there aren't any limits between nations. When you understand there is an experimental writing probability in you, you can start composing direct. Hence, to guide you through the full methodology, here's a rundown of intriguing intelligent paper points. </p>
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